Crothers Coaching Academy 

Transforming People Leaders to Develop

High Performing Teams

This internal coaching certification program is the result of over a decade of work and research in the field of coaching. The customized course combines the most critical concepts and techniques of many coaching programs in organizations across industries to develop masterful coaches. Fostered by a commitment to create a coaching culture, the program seeks to enable those who lead with the most evolved communication and coaching tools.

The program has THREE powerful learning objectives:

1. Build Manager/Employee Relationships
2. Improve Employee Engagement and Performance
3. Develop Teams

Program Components
The program includes a blended learning approach of live and live-virtual delivery, with a heavy focus on application of skills learning. All programs are custom fit to an organization's specific needs. No two programs are identical.

Step 1: Assessment & Discovery:
Qualitative and quantitate data is gathered via assessment and informational interviewing to customize delivery of the program.

BONUS: Access to over $500 of assessments for EACH participant.  (DISC, 16 Types, Enneagram and VIA Strengths Assessments).  Also included is automated coaching generated from the assessment results in daily micro-learning coaching tips about self and team.

Step 2: Coaching Essentials Kickoff:
Onsite in-person OR live-virtual training customized to your organization's needs. This training goes over the fundamentals of coaching and how a coaching culture is cultivated.

Step 3: Advanced Coaching Technique:
(11) 60-min skill building sessions are presented in a live virtual interactive webinar program every other week with specific coaching practice exercises in between sessions. This culminates in a coaching practicum where each participant coaches an employee to achieve a short-term goal over a series of sessions.

Participants are awarded branded internal certification upon completion of the 6 month program.

ONGOING Organizational and Leadership Support: Executive Coaching provided to Leaders and HR (Optional & Customized).

Contact us to learn more about Crothers Coaching Academy


“The one quote that really stuck with me from the program is 'Life is 10% what happens to you and
90% of how you respond to it.' I need to continue to focus on how I respond to the 10%.” 

“The role that I have taken in this entire process is trying to be a leader! I believed in this program from the day we started it and I have tried to take the role of showing others that just because I am a senior leader doesn't give me a "pass" from learning all of this. I have tried to learn right along side of my managers and to show other senior leaders and directors that "if we learn this everyone around us will as well"” 

"I feel that if I am an effective coach, it can effect multiple facets within the company. I believe that going through this coaching certification process has opened my eyes to some of the areas that I was lacking in my management style. Improving my coaching skills has definitely made an impact on the level of trust my employees have for me. I sense that my rapport with my employees has improved greatly over the course of this journey. To put it simply, if I succeed as a people manager, and my employees know they can trust me with any issues or concerns they may be having, it will improve their work life. If their work life is better, and they're happier, they provide a greater level of service, which in turn helps client satisfaction."

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